Saturday, December 5, 2009


The National Man Boy Love Association bases it's ideology on the ideals that formed part of Ancient Greek homosexual relations between men and boys-that had an educational function.

o Goals:
- Building understanding and support for such relationships
- Educating general public on benevolent nature of man/boy love
- Cooperating with LGBT movements
- Supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression (ageism) (talk about rationality and childhood)
- Stands for empowerment of youth
- Condemns sexual abuse and all forms of coercion

"Youth Liberation has argued for some time that young people should have the right to have sex as well as not to have it, and with whom they choose. The statutory structure of the sex laws has been identified as oppressive and insulting to young people. A range of sexual activities are legally defined as molestation, regardless of the quality of the relationship or the amount of consent involved. ...
The recent career of boy-love in the public mind should serve as an alert that the self-interests of the feminist and gay movements are linked to simple justice for stigmatized sexual minorities. ... We must not reject all sexual contact between adults and young people as inherently oppressive."

~ Gayle Rubin, lesbian feminist, in Leaping Lesbian, February, 1978.

"It is quite difficult to lay down barriers [particularly since] it could be that the child, with his own sexuality, may have desired the adult."

~ Michel Foucault

"When children are constantly warned by parents and teachers against contacts with adults, and when they receive no explanation of the exact nature of the contacts, they are ready to become hysterical as soon as any older person approaches, or stops and speaks to them in the street, or fondles them, or proposes to do something for them, even though the adult may have had no sexual objective in mind. Some of the more experienced students of juvenile problems have come to believe that the emotional reactions of the parents, police officers, and other adults who discover that the child has had such a contact, may disturb the child more seriously than the sexual contacts themselves. The current hysteria over sex offenders may very well have serious effects on the ability of many of these children to work out sexual adjustments some years later..."

~ Alfred Kinsey

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